Saturday, 26 May 2012

Lessons Learned

Our second day of walking in the Malverns was a short but memorable one. It rained constantly and we could barely see the hills we were walking up. Still it was a good opportunity to test out the waterproof coats and covers and we learnt many lessons in the few hours we were out.

1. Waterproof trousers should be put on before your trousers get wet.
2. Waterproof covers for rucksacks should be put on before starting the walk.
3. Rain and wind equals a permanently runny nose and your tissue gets very soggy.
4. Walking in the rain and wind is unpleasant.
5. Learning what the different toggles on your hood do is best done before you are halfway up a hill and it has started to rain.

Looking happier than I felt!

I was alarmed when my coat started frothing!

Still at least we found all this out in a place where we could head back to a cosy house with a log burning stove, hot showers and a comfy bed. Kilimanjaro will be a snug two person tent, wet wipes and a sleeping bag - hmmm...

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